How to Start a Cosplay YouTube Channel
So you’ve decided you want to make your own cosplay centered YouTube channel- that’s awesome! But where to start? In this article we’ll discuss the basics filming, content ideas, and general YouTube tips.
You really don’t need much to get started on YouTube, just a decent camera will suffice. It is not necessary to go out and blow huge sums of money on a super fancy camera and lighting set. Use whatever camera you have available, even your smartphone will work. You can always upgrade your equipment later once you figure out your preferences. Next is to decide on your filming location. Especially when they are starting out, many YouTubers film in their dorm or bedroom. The two main things to keep in mind are light and sound. Well-lit videos are easier to see and look more “professional.” Film during the day in front of a window for maximum natural (and free) lighting.
Now that you are set up to film, what do you want to talk about? By clicking on this article I’m assuming you want to talk about cosplay, but that is a really broad topic. Think about your favorite aspects of cosplay and what you are most interested in. Below is a list of cosplay-related video ideas.
-Convention Vlogging: Go to a lot of interesting cosplay events? Bring your camera along and vlog the adventures of you and your friends. Just make sure everyone involved is comfortable with the idea of their images being posted online. You can also do pre- and post- convention videos to extend the content even further.
-Experiences: Great at storytelling? Make videos talking about your cosplay experiences in a fun and relatable way. People love “cosplay horror stories”- though be careful not to go too deep into the drama channel territory. While this does rack up views it can also bring with it some unwanted attention.
-Makeup/Wig Styling: Love makeup? Take the beauty channel idea a bit further with character-specific makeup and wig tutorials. This type of channel also lends itself well to creating product reviews for additional content.
-Educational Content: Do you make a majority of your cosplays? Share your knowledge with others through either general crafting or character-specific cosplay tutorials. You can focus on both beginner friendly and advanced techniques to expand your audience.
-Character Skits: Have a passion for acting? Script your own entertaining in-character shows. You can also make cosplay music videos if you enjoy singing.
-Haul/Unboxing: Buy a lot in the dealers’ room at conventions? Show off your haul to your audience or review cosplay-related products.
This is by no means a complete list. Combine some of the above content or come up with something completely new! Just be honest with yourself about what you want to do. Creating content simply for views can quickly become draining and lead to burnout. Focus on what’s fun and don’t worry about what everyone else is doing.
If you are looking into YouTube as a way to make some quick cosplay cash, consider it carefully. Growing and sustaining a channel requires a lot of hard work with very little reward. To put it in perspective, my personal channel has over 200 videos created over the past 2.5 years and I have yet to receive any ad revenue payments. I don’t mean this to be discouraging, but I do want to be realistic.
Still want to create a channel? Go for it! YouTube is a fantastic platform to connect with others creatively. I hope you found the above tips useful and insightful. If you have any additional YouTube advice, please share it in the comments below!

(Photo by Artsy Raccoon)